Friday, August 3, 2012

We arrived in Ketchikan last night after a long and difficult flight from Anchorage.   We had rain and low clouds all the way.  Not normally a problem but this is Alaska.  The minimum altitude because of high terrane was 7,000.  We encounter moderate icing about 1 hour south of Anchorage but ATC would not let us reduce our altitude because of concerns with ground clearance.  We had to cancel our IFR flight plan and descend over the ocean.  When the ice melted it came off in sheets.  We could hear the sheets hitting the tail of the plane.  I would estimate we were about 10 miles off shore at one point.  Water temps in the 40's.  The airport at Ketchikan sits in a bowl with mountains on both sides of the approach.  So when we arrived at Ketchikan we found a 500 foot ceiling and rain.  Made an ILS approach to rw 11.  Not perfect but it got us down safely.

Ketchikan's weather for the next several days is bad.  Work on Monday.  I am ready.

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