Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Weather delays

It's Wednesday morning in Anchorage.  As you may recall, our guide's plane crashed a few days ago so we are "leaderless."

The original itinerary called for leaving Anchorage today for Ketchikan. That's about 6 hours of traveling. Then Friday, it calls for another 6 hours of flying to Olympia, Wash. Then 6 more hours to Rock Springs, Wyo., and on home Sunday.

We woke to terrible weather. Low ceilings and rain. The freezing level is 6,000 feet. We must climb to 10,000 feet to clear the mountain passes, so here we sit likely until Saturday. There is a stalled low pressure area over this region.

1 comment:

  1. So you plan to follow the original iternerary sans your "official" leader? Are other pilots with you? :)
